What Is the Best Underlayment for Phoenix Homes: Felt or Synthetic?
Did you know that the type of roof you get is based on your region’s climate?
If you live in colder, rainy weather versus a warm, dry climate, you will look into different roof materials that can withstand snow or keep the dry heat out.
Roofs are a significant expense, so when you update one or get a new house, you want to make sure yours will last as long as possible.
Keep reading, and we will walk you through what is the best underlayment for Phoenix homes.
Phoenix and Scottsdale Climate
Phoenix is the capital of Arizona and is located right next to Scottsdale.
These two cities have a subtropical desert climate, making for a very mild winter and scorching summer.
It can get very humid in the summer, which comes with rain.
The average temperatures are about 55°F in December and 95°F in July.
Due to the dry, warm climate that can bring some rain, you want to ensure you have the proper roof underlayment for your home.
What Is the Best Underlayment?
If you’re going through the process of roof replacement in Phoenix or Scottsdale, Arizona, you want to consider the best material based on the climate.
Roof underlayment is essential because it adds insulation to keep cool air and heat out, so your house is at a comfortable temperature.
It also adds a noise barrier and extra protection from different types of weather.
AZ Roofing Works is here to help you with your roof replacement and will talk through which material would work best for your home.
Their expert services will help you understand the different materials and your options.
We will dive into which is better, synthetic or felt underlayment for people in greater Phoenix or Scottsdale areas.
Felt Roof
Felt roof underlayment requires more weight to cover the entirety of your roof. It is made of recycled corrugated paper with sawdust mixed with asphalt to help with water or rain protection.
It is less expensive and still water-resistant, making it a durable option.
Synthetic Roof
Synthetic underlayment requires less weight to cover the entirety of your roof. It is made from laminated polypropylene or polyethylene plastic.
It is more expensive but will be more durable and won’t break from a screw or nail going through it or harsh weather conditions.
After going through both synthetic and felt qualities, if you live in Phoenix or Scottsdale, felt underlayment is likely the best route for you.
Felt is cheaper and will still protect your home from the rain you may experience during humid summer periods. Synthetic isn’t necessary because it’s made for colder climates.
Update Your Roof Today
Now that you can answer the question of what the best underlayment is, you’re ready to get your roof updated or replaced in Phoenix or Scottsdale, Arizona.
Felt underlayment is less expensive and still water-resistant, so it’s great for the Arizona dry heat climate. Synthetic underlayment is better for colder climates with harsher weather.
Contact AZ Roof Works today with questions about our roofing services.
Is your roofs underlayment reaching the age of replacement? Call the team at AZ Roofing Works! We are the top underlayment replacement company in Phoenix Arizona, specializing in roof replacements and roof repairs! Contact us online or call our office directly at (602) 283-3383.